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Don't Go Through Heroin Detox Alone

Signs of Heroin Detox

If you are a heroin user, you've probably experienced heroin detox at one point or another. Detoxing from heroin on your own is not a good idea, so if you see one of the following symptoms, it is best to go to a hospital immediately:

  • 1. Vomiting Acid
  • 2. Severe Cramping
  • 3. Severe Diarrhea
  • 4. Delirious, Shaking, and Cold Sweats

While these signs and symptoms alone may mean a cold or the flu, if two or more exists with a heroin addict, it is important to be treated for heroin detox. Heroin is a serious narcotic, and detoxification should not be taken lightly.

Acid and Addiction

Heroin detox can cause you to vomit up acid. This is a lime green colored liquid which comes out in large amounts. This is a telltale sign that your body is withdrawing from the drug, and you need medical assistance. Throwing up acid or bile is nothing to play with, so seek help immediately if you find yourself doing so. Sure, you may consider going to get a bag, however once it wears off you will be in the very same situation all over again. Try to eat something sweet. This has been known to calm a heroin addict from withdrawals.

Watch Out For Cramps

If your stomach has severe cramping, this could be a sign that your body is running thin on its heroin reserve and you are about to go into withdrawal within the next few hours, if not sooner. These stomach cramps are known as contractions, and normally occur as your body searches and scrambles for every single bit of heroin left in your system. This is a true sign of addiction which some individuals believe to be the flu in the beginning of their addiction. Again, eating something sweet may be comforting on a temporary basis.

Heroin Detox and Diarrhea

Severe diarrhea is one of the last phases of heroin detox. When diarrhea strikes, it is because the heroin is leaving the system, and your body is beginning a cleansing process. This does not mean it is completely out of your system, but it is a signal that your system has more or less begin to give up on holding out on the next bag. You are normally constipated as a heroin addict. Diarrhea is more than likely what someone on heroin does not want to see, but if you're trying to get clean- you should welcome it.

Feeling Delirious, Shaky and Off Balance

Confusion is another sign of heroin detox. You will be a bit off, as your body is trying to adjust without the drug. Detoxing from heroin is difficult, and can play with your mind. If you begin to feel mentally unstable, get help immediately. Shaky and Clammy skin is another sign of detox. As your body attempts to rid itself of the drug, you become shaky and your hands are often soft and damp. You may also go from hot to cold within minutes. Your body will be off balance because of the physical characteristics of the drug. This is why you need medical attention while withdrawing.

Outpatient and Inpatient Treatment

If you prefer to be treated on an outpatient basis, you can drink methadone on a daily basis. This will help to curb heroin detox, and allow you to go at it slowly. Your cravings will subside, and you will feel "normal" again. The only downside is the cost. However, any help is better than none. If you can't give up heroin without an outpatient treatment facility, get help there. You can also go into a hospital for inpatient medicated treatment. This is called detox for short, and provides low doses of methadone over a three to four day period in order to avoid physical withdrawals from the drug. This is the preferred method of addicts going through heroin detox, because it is usually covered by insurance. Both ways are effective, but it depends on the person and if they are ready to remain clean and drug free. Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient treatment to assist with heroin detox, the most important factor is that you are getting help.

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