Whether you snort, inject, or smoke heroin, there are many daunting effects of heroin users are going to experience. Due to the toll it takes on the body, and how much stress it places on the body, it is very common that you will begin to experience many of the effects of heroin immediately upon starting to use the drug. Whether you are just starting, considering using, or have been a long term user, you have to know what these drugs will do to your body, relationships, mind, and your total being, in order to reconsider your choices, and find alternates to the drug use, so that you can avoid the many effects of heroin that are common in users.
Some of the effects of heroin you are going to have will be long and short term. From basic memory loss, trouble breathing, or internal damage to your system, to more severe issues affecting your limbs and body over extended periods of use, the inability to function properly, and possibly even death in the most severe cases, users have to consider all of these effects, so that they know what is going to happen to their body in the event they choose to use the drugs. Either way, knowing that there are both long and short term effects, and that they are going to start almost immediately upon use; and, knowing that heroin is extremely addictive, after pretty much the first few uses, are some of the things that have to be considered by those who are currently using, or considering the use of these drugs.
By knowing the many effects your body is going to experience, and by knowing what to expect if you are using these drugs, you might reconsider the damage you are going to be doing, both sudden and permanent. Since there are so many damaging effects of heroin on the body, you have to be ready for the troubles you are going to experience if you do want to quit. Due to the fact that it is very habit forming, almost immediately, you must know that after you start use, if you try to get help for addiction you are going to experience severe withdrawal symptoms very early on. So, if you do want to quit, going in to an inpatient center might be the best option, as they are going to help you get through the tough times, and help you get past the tough early phases.
By knowing the effects of heroin on the body, and by choosing to get help for your addiction, you can undo some of the harm that has been done; although you will still effect your body in a negative manner, getting help, and learning how to start living drug free is the best treatment you can go through after you have started use. The sooner you try to treat the problem, the more damage you are going to be able to undo after you have used heroin.